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Author Archives: David

darkroom is alive!

After more than a few years of turmoil, disruption and being out of commission I’ve managed to get my darkroom back up and running. It feels amazing. Absolutely freezing – but amazing! I’ve started producing A4 prints of my ongoing … Continue reading

andrew fairlie. chef.

I’m sure anyone who knew Andrew Fairlie is struggling to come to terms with his passing yesterday. He is one of the most remarkable people I’ve ever met. A truly decent and genuine human being who I had the very … Continue reading

the chairman, the supermodel and mr shirkan

For a year or so I worked on contract for a book publisher – the Opus Group who make really quite beautiful, albeit highly impractical and ridiculously expensive, tomes which are described as being “definitive” publications. I worked on two … Continue reading

the chewa of mgwindhi

A number of years ago I had the very great privilege of travelling to Malawi with a writer named Alan Martin. We were there on behalf of Concern Worldwide to produce words and photos of their work in Malawi in … Continue reading

editions, and the old poet

I have always found the darkroom to be a magical place. There is not only a mystical romance about the physical space, the safelight, the smells, the projected image onto the easel, but the sense of excitement I get from … Continue reading

to the palace and on to madagascar

It’s not every day of the week you get invited to a palace for a new years reception. Well at least I don’t. The portrait I made of poor Yana shortly before she froze to death was selected as UNICEF … Continue reading