


ODESSA, UKRAINE – AUGUST 26: Street children of Ukraine. Pictured is 13 year old Yana, she is HIV + ve and very ill. Her body is covered in sores and abscesses, August 26, 2004.. Yana died on the streets of Odessa at Christmas time in 2004. Yana lived with a group or ‘family’ of street kids in Odessa, Ukraine. At this time Yana and the other kids lived in a derelict shed in the city’s central Pioneer Park. They spend every conscious moment craving an injection of home made Trifed or Effidrine. There were about 20 kids in the group who’s ages range from 6 to 17 years.
A small local organisation called the Way Home has been trying to have the kids tested for HIV. Alarmingly of those tested 75% are +ve. (Photo by David Gillanders/Getty Images)

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